These relections came out of typing up the Marilyn Raffaele transcript over the weekend. You'll find this transcript on last Friday's blog post.
A little background
I had an experience on an Arcturian Lightship in November 2012. If you've ever had an experience like this, it's possible you were shown lots of things too. I was shown lots of things simultanously in a very short space of 'time' - not only how Arcturians appear to human (3-D) eyes, but how the society operates, the culture, what motivates them - their purpose, what they do with their 'time' (there is no 'time' as we know it in the quantum field), their transportation systems, communication, relationships, manifesting children, family life, 'governance' systems, and so on.
So what I say below in "My relections about money..." comes through the filter of what I immediately "knew" and came to know about the society, from when I was on board the Arcturian Light ship, and in 'discussions' with them over the next couple of years.
For the sake of brevity - In a sentence: Arcturians don't use money. There is no need for it...
I'll explain why Arcturians don't need money in the following paragraphs. Sorry this is all getting quite long again. The reason for lengthy replies is that people generally won't be able to understand a concept until they see what lies behind it. Therefore, it's no good trying to explain why Arcturians don't need money until we've had a discussion about what money is, duality, plasma, and "The Field" : )
The Arcturians are scientists and philosophers, first and foremost
If you haven't guessed by now, Arcurians are scientists... Speciality: The Quantum Field. Because of this knowledge, they are also great healers of the human physical organism. Many 'natural' energy healers such as myself, call on "angelic beings" to help them perform the healing - which is essentially a 'scientific' (metaphysic) energy observation and manipulation through the third eye pineal, and by using hand movements, breath and sound to manipulate the unseen underlying atomic structure of the organism. Because there is no time or space (they're both aspects of the illusion), doing these healings across time and space is also very effective. I've done a number of distance healings with "miraculous" effect. This phenomena is not imaginary. It is very real. And the people who got up and walked with no pain straight after or very soon after the session was done for them, are a testimony to this reality. Please also contact me if you'd like me to do a distance healing for you. So, very often, i'd say the beings who healers are calling on are the 7-9D Arcturians - that's who will often be turning up.
Angelic beings
These 'Arcs' (my pet nickname) are the big shiny - radiantly shiny beings, who i'm sure are the beings the bible often refers to as "angels". Arcturians are definitely helpers of "God", or as I prefer it, that which is "Consciousness" - The One.
What is the "Resonance Unity Field" of Consciousness?
The Field (electrical plasma field) was created by The One, and is how The One (Consciousness) which is infinite and unfathomable, moves around the world of 'form' - which includes 'thought form' (ref: Tolle).
The Field is a bridge between the world of 'materiality' (of which 7-9D is), and the world of pure spirit. Pure spirit does not require any manifestation (materiality) whatsoever. The One is pure spirit. Pure spirit is what we all are at our most fundamental level. We are all material manifestations of 'life' (on every dimension), at our very finest level. When we (meaning all material manifestations of 'life' on every dimension) choose to see what we actually are (this is up to each sentient 'individual' being, light being and every intelligent entity that has 'life'), we will join and be combined in Consciousness again as particles, within and of The One. That is who we are.
You must experience it... not just visualize it or talk about it
... But it's no good actually, to try to explain and conceptualize this as a mental construct. You have to 'feel' it and 'know' it, sit with it and experience what it is, to really understand it. Hence the recommendation of spiritual teachers in the 'past' and 'now' (there is no 'time' in the quantum field), to practice meditation, yoga and 'mindfulness' in daily life. This "joining" (unity - yoga means 'unity') is the 'nirvana' that gurus (all devotees of such practices), seek to attain. It's actually very scientific. But of course, modern science has only been able to explain the phenomena very recently. So up until now, people just did their 'religious' practices and experienced outcomes that we are now able to explain through our 'new' scientific terms - including 'miracles'.
"Plasma field" - Thought is plasmatic in nature. ie: Thought is electrical.
It operates in the quantum field - wave forms and particles.
See this video for more on how plasma works...
What is money?
"Money" is simply an accounting system. On earth currently, money accounts for someone's supposed "effort" they have given to society. Those who put in more effort for their society therefore will have more Money... right? Would this not be the equanimous equitable way of thinking about "effort"? Theoretically, it should be... But this is not what we find in Earth society : (
eg: The mother at home raising her child, does not receive 'money'; the child who walks five miles in Africa to bring water to her family, does not receive 'money'; the retired gentleman in Argentina who voluntarily helps to repair his neighbour's garden shed, does not receive 'money'; neither does the YouTube video-maker nor the blog-writer (such as myself), nor the 'armchair activist' on Facebook - None of these receives 'money'.
Who receives the money?
People who are investing effort into the monetary system, receive the money.
So here in practice, we find that people on Earth are actually invested into two systems of "contribution". One set of "contributions" or "efforts" to society feeds the monetary system and "rewards" those people who participate in that system with money (ie: money is its own reward), whereas other "contributions" do not feed the monetary system and therefore, there are no monetary rewards for the people who contribute in that way.
Who is actually "contributing"?
Is there any less "contribution" between these two? Is there any less "effort" exerted by the mother, by the girl, by the retired gentleman, by the writers, videographers and people active on Facebook who are contributing to a global awakening of what is real and what is not? (we are in the age of dis-spelling the illusions). No. Of course not. The difference is that one set of contributions serves the money system itself, and the other set of contributions serves other people - excusively. The beneficiaries of that "effort" or "contribution" to others for no trade-off of money, are the children of the mother (and by implication, her husband), the African family of the girl, the Argentinian neighbour, the people of the world who are under-educated and under-informed about the world's affairs and who may need some kind of a challenge if they are sitting doing nothing all day except being in "service to self".
So we find we actually live under two systems of accounting for our "contribution"
(1) One is the system of Money
(2) The other is the system of Love and Compassion
Two accounting systems
Therefore, humans (yes, we ourselves), have divided our "system" of accounting for "effort" into a duality - this is a very typical behavior for humans:
(1) that which earns money and is therefore admirable
(2) that which earns no money and is considered unworthy.
Worse still, if you're contributing your efforts to other people for no monetary reimbursement, it's said that you've made no "contribution" to society at all !! These are the lies of the puppet masters and which are perpetuated by the people themselves : ( People need to stop thinking these thoughts. This is the propaganda of the puppet masters designed so we keep each other under control.
In the Arcturian world, dualities are very strange things indeed. Earth people love playing with dualities because at heart, we're generally quite competitive. So we love comparing 'black-white', 'right-wrong', 'plenty-lack', 'intelligence-stupidity', 'muscle-fat', 'sunny-cloudy', 'polite-brash', and on and on... The dualistic comparisons humans make are never-ending... endless... All of this is Mind playing in the 3-D. I reference Eckhart Tolle when I say this. Here is Tolle:
Living in "The Field"
The Arcturian society (all 'people', or better stated: All 7-9D energetic emanations exhibiting intelligence whose origins are the Bootes constellation), are very attune to vibrations within the quantum field. This is where the Arcturians live... within The Field. So when Christians say, "In Him I live and I move and I have my being..." when they refer to God, this is a good comparison of what it's like to be a 7-9D Arcturian being living within The Field. ie: Arcturians only have 'existence', as Lord Gautama Buddha puts it, because they (the Arcturians) choose to align their vibrational 'physicality' to The Field.
What is "The Field"?
In the simplest of terms: It's a plasma field of electric energy. I personally don't know the science of The Field as i've never studied physics - but i'm just passing on to you what I get told by the Arcturian intelligences. I generally Google such terms when I "hear" them to make sure i'm not just writing 'gobbeldly-gook'. Generally what I "hear" makes perfect sense when I look up these terms.
To continue: If an Arcturian drops out of alignment with the vibration of The Field, he or she (yes, there are 'genders', but in a somewhat different way to what humans know about), then their 'chi' energy would diminish to such an extent that their life-force would 'expire'. This is an impossibility actually, once a being elevates to the 7D and beyond, but is stated here as a 'dualism' for the sake of illustration.
Metals vs. Energy
Hopefully you will see now how "effort" or "contribution" by an individual for the good of society as a whole is not measured in metals by the Arcturians... but purely in Energy. In fact, the contrubution is never "measured" nor accounted for, as it is in Earth society. What on earth would the purpose be of "keeping a record" unless it were to force some idea of dualism (right and wrong).
Please note the big 'E' denoting "Energy". This is the Energy that gets carried on The Field in waves and has within it life-enhancing properties that gets distributed ed all over the Universe. The Energy of "effort" or "contribution" keeps expanding all over the Universe, ultimately becoming manifest "awakening" for all of creation, of which we are a part.
Free will vs. Control
The end result or functioning ideology of the Arcturian society is not 'communism' or 'collectivism' by the way, because free-will choice most certainly, is a Prime impetus in this high-vibrational society. So there is no external pressure or force on anyone (light being) by anyone (light being) to do anything! None at all!
Arcturian youth: Social and Science education and "Play"
If a young Arcturian wants to 'play games' all day, for the 200+ years of their youth, that is entirely permitted, but you will probably find the 'games' they play will be about shifting of matter and energies, and manifesting matter and energies through thought. These "games" would include 'mind-reading', telekinesis, psychometry, honing telepathic communications skills, teleportation, levitation, viewing the past and the future, philosophical exchange, and so on...
Creating Non-Balance in "The Field"
Some adventurous young Arcturians might find out what happens when they intrude on the thought of another as they develop - especially intrusions on the thoughts of elder beings whose work is very close to Creator. This is a very big no-no and undoubtedly, the parents will have already had the discussion with their youngster about these consequences. A likely outcome of such an intrusion is to get a blast of energy right back at them that will likely send the youngster to their bed for a few hours or even days!
Re-creating Balance in "The Field"
Please note: Such a 'blast' is not being "directed" as such to the youngster, by the elder. The intrusion will initially be felt by the elder as a 'distraction'. If the distraction is found by the elder to be unimportant in that moment, the distraction would be 'frowned' upon. The young Arcturian needs to learn that there actually are boundaries within Arcturian society which are in alignment with The Field. Therefore, to incarnate into the manifest (material realm) as a young Arcturian 7-9D, provides the eternal soul-being the possibility of learning very directly, about "The Field". The energy (vibration) that returns to the young Arcturian is a direct consequence of them creating "intruding thoughts" when they have in fact been asked to not do that. Do you know the phrase: "To every action is an equal and opposite reaction"? This is what happens in a case like this. Some people call this "karma" - and this is close as a definition, although may not be entirely accurate as a thought form in some people's minds... The cause-effect response is entirely dispassionate. ie: the returned 'reaction' is just science. It is simply the non-emotive response of The Field to the youngster's intrusion.
The maintenance of Balance within "The Field"
The Field itself therefore, creates alignment of individuals to itself. Please do not be tempted to anthropomorphize or personify The Field. It is pure Energy. It does not have emotions. That incidentally is one of the main problems with the word "God". Anthropomorphism of the term "God" brings "Consciousness" (infinite, indefinable) down to the level of a human Earth-dwelling man. This is completely incorrect. The creation of Balance within "The Field" is a universal law and a principle that we actually see manifesting all the time on our Earth plane. That's why darkness (lies) is always brought into the light (truth) ... That's why wrong-doing can never get away from a bad conscience. That's why good-doing is coupled with a feeling of expansion in the chest cavity. We all are (all manifested life forms on all dimensional planes), are living within certain 'universal laws' right now without us noticing. Because these laws are all part of our macro-system, we hardly ever take notice of them.
External means of "control"
In Arcturian society, this is why there's no need for duality - no scolding, no angry thoughts, no thoughts of 'right' or 'wrong'... because The Field will constantly direct the young (emerging) Arcturian energy 'emanations' to where they are 'meant' to be and to what they are meant to be focusing on and learning.
Harmony in The Field is a heard sound
The impetus is always towards creation of 'balance' within The Field. Any disharmony (yes, there is often disharmony in the universe) comes back into harmony (this is a physically audibly heard sound in the cosmos), after manipulations in The Field are carried out by Arcturian 'developed' light beings and light beings of other races : ) Even a 'blast' from The Field when you have intruded your thought to an elder when they are busy (including your parents) has its own lesson. Therefore: This is all learning that will give you a solid foundation for your later life as an 'adult'. Note: I'm talking again in terms of duality to help people understand - so "adult" (which implies 'bigger' compared to 'smaller') is more rightly named a 'developed' one. However: 'developed' still is a duality because it compares with 'undeveloped'. All energies (beings, emanations) are actually One. They are all allowed to Be with no identifying labels. To identify and label that is Mind play. And to do that is to root yourself once again in 3D. This is one of the tricks of the Puppet Masters that keeps us stuck in The Illusion.
Arcturian Eduction
As a 'younger one' (all energies are admired and loved), you're learning skills by playing in The Field. That "play" has a context within a set of social mores of that society. It's a very 'balanced' society - in energy, in thought, and in 'product' (in the energy and material substance that is created out of The Field). This education may sound very tedious to Earth people, but it's not at all boring and there are no strifes or divisions between yourself and others when you 'grow up' - only inquiry and curiosity. The energies of 'inquiry' and 'curiosity' are the closest 'feelings' I can describe that 7-9D Arcturians have, compared to our commonplace experience and humans growing up, being: 'strife' or 'tension'.
Why is there so much "tension" and "strife" in human society?
There is no need for 'challenge' or 'argument' as a young Arcturian matures, nor is there any need to usurp anybody else's energies. That's what humans are doing when we 'challenge' and 'argue'. This is what creates the feeling of 'strife' and 'tension' in us. It's when some-body is trying to steal our energy (the truth of our experience, "I Am") away from us. Humans go into panic because in our collective unconscious memory, it means extinction! It appears that humans can die (on more that one level I would say), when the power exerted over them to not be living in the "I Am" of their own authentic experience, is taken away from them by another - eg: by being told they are wrong, or stupid, or just a dreamer... etc, etc...
Humans die when they are not permitted to live fully in their "I Am" authentic experience
The usurpation of that "I Am" authentic experience by somebody else gives us humans feelings of death at our most fundamental soul (eternal being) level : ( This is what the Arcturians are telling me right now. This is not something i've ever though about before.
Therefore: there is no need for the 'swapping' (usurpation) of energies like this in Arcturian society (challenging, arguing, berating of somebody else), because one simply 'mainlines' directly into The Field and one is 'enhanced' or 'built up' again directly, from tapping into The Resonant Unity Field. Humans have the ability to do this right now. Some people might call this "tapping into God". Essentially, it's the same thing, so long as you're not mentally trying to define 'God' as anything that resembles a human being.
What can you do when you feel really bad... ?? : (
So when you're feeling low or miserable or unloved, you don't need to suck off anybody else. Please just mainline into Consciousness (Creator) and find there in The Field, exactly what you need to help you feel better. And of course, ask other people for help too... but learn to not suck off other people for pity and don't be desperate with them. This is another inauthentic way you are sucking off people. Just tell them what's going on, and allow them to respond - with your hand open to whatever they are willing to offer you, or not offer to help you. It's completely their choice.
All of this brings us onto the current discussion which is about money. At last we are here. It took a while, but I think you'll be able to read the following now from the context of the macrosystem you see above - about the Arcturian point of view. Please feel free to ask any questions in Comments below, and please feel free to add your own thoughts and experiences around this topic in Comments too. Thanks, Bron.
Here are my reflections.
This is a commentary about the video you can find in the link below and here:
I struggle with the concept of "money". Do you too?
What Marilyn shares in her video about money, gratitude and abundance struck quite a few chords in me. I think i'll still continue to stuggle with the concepts she presents, simply because I don't think we should have money at all. But i'd like to try some of these ideas out that she presents. I very strongly feel that money is the means by which the puppet masters have kept humanity enslaved. So I intentionally avoid money :P I'm actually surprised i'm putting this video up on this blog.
What I like about it is this:
The Arcturian Group (through Marilyn) suggests some very practical things we can apply right now, that I think will shift stuck energy around 'money'. We (sadly) still do live in a world of money, so i'm happy to entertain these ideas and do some of these exercises, knowing that this is just a 'transitory measure' until humanity's emotional need for money falls away completely. I'm sure willing to give this advice a go.
To explain...
I just don't give money energy and haven't been for the last five years or so - especially for the last 3 years. I generally don't look at bank balances, I have my basic regular bills on Automatic Payment, and every week I just make sure I spend less than I know what's coming in. That way, I know i'm not getting myself into strife. And I only have NZ$100 a week to live on after rent and power APs come out, so i'm not rich. Then i've still got food, petrol, repairs, phone, internet connection, clothing, birthday presents, etc, etc, to pay for. So I don't have much, and I ofen go without 'things'. But...
I'd rather live this way (personally) so I don't have to keep looking at my account balances. That used to wind me up completely. I'm so glad I don't live on that hampster wheel any longer. I might check my balances just once a month now - sometimes only once every two months! That's how much I don't like the energy of 'money'. I feel much happier living this way. I feel under much less stress than I used to, even though there's much less money. It's strange how that works! For me... Money = Stress. Previously... More money = More stress.
'Things' (possessions) just don't interest me. Is this simply because i'm older and the allure of the pretty, shiny, glittery things just doesn't do it for me anymore? These things did used to 'call' me when I was younger. I'm in my 50s now. I certainly do have some 'things' - a nice comfy lounge suite, a fridge/freezer, a comfortable bed, a piano, a car (fully paid for), stacks of books, a TV and DVD player and my PC. That's all I need. This is in no way a judgment on anyone else who likes lots of 'things' and who keeps wanting more and more things, like my son who's in his 30s. He gets new stuff every week! I'm just not wired that way anymore...
I prefer 'thoughts' to 'things'.
I'd be pretty gutted if I lost my mind/intellect/mens sana, for example. That would suck a lot !! So I guess it's a case again of, "You get what you give your attention to". Have you heard the saying, "Energy flows where attention goes"? So maybe this is true? I give lots of attention to knowledge, my internal processes - spiritual growth and the like, and watching the unfolding downfall of the globalist agenda.
I'm definitely not into money "for my own benefit".
That feels like a very 'small' way to live. If my little brother or sister in Africa still has to walk five miles to collect their family's drinking water today, I would far rather expend my energy on co-creating a global awakening to what the globalist agenda is... That's so we can collectively learn to recognize what the agenda is and how we can tear it down - simply by not giving it energy any longer. I have around 500 people a day from all over the world coming to look at posts on my main blog (not this one). Most of them are from France currently. Most of the time, the main interest comes from the USA. Sometimes my biggest audience is from Russia. It's interesting watching the ebb and flow of interest from different countries and what posts have grabbed their attention. It gives me a "bird's eye" view of where and why the global energies are shifting : )
My blog is called Co-creating Our New Earth and it is creating awaking.
It's on that 'mission' (of writing) that I expend most of my time and energy : ) That's fine for me... I hope you've found your outlet, or at least now, I hope you are thinking about how you can help to create Awakening in some way as well. eg: through your existing business; directly - talking to friends, family and neighbours; through a co-operative venture you want to start up with other people; writing music, a play, or creating a piece of art; through writing letters to politicians and 'Letters to the editor' of your local newspaper... There's lots of ways we can help keep the impetus going of this global awakening to the Truth : )
Truth #1) We are eternal beings - we never die. "Death" is part of the illusion, the hologram. Death only happens because enough people believe it will.
Truth #2) We belong to the land we were born on... the LAND that is, not the "government" trying to control that land. Mother Earth nurtures and loves us for all the length of our days, as we climb the mounds of her back. Our inheritance is to live freely on the land, for no charge.
Truth #3) Money is the means by which we are kept in slavery. As soon as humanity lets go its need for money, we will all be free !! Think about it...
What's one of the primary ways we can tear down the globalist agenda?
Simply: to not apply for any more debt... No more loans from banking institutions. Refuse to be a debt slave! This is the biggest thing we can all do to tear down this corrupt global banking system. People who are making the personal sacrifice to downsize, get mortgage free and live in a tiny house, are definitely on the right track! I actually don't like the tiny house concept at all... (I live in a big sprawling 1920s bungalow). I think the tiny house propaganda is all part of the 'Agenda 21' conditioning programe. But I do think those people are helping break down the globalist banking agenda immeasurably, because most of them are refusing loans, or just getting a very small one. Thank them, next time you see a tiny house dweller, or an RV dweller. They are doing great good for humanity simply by their withdrawl from the banking loan system : )
What if i'm a really wealthy person right now with no loans or credit card debt?
If you do find you have money (no problem), you have the choice to use it for altruistic purposes, like this New Zealand man from Ngaruawahia, which is only around 15 miles away from where I live. He is changing the water situation for thousands of people in Africa right now !! He's doing that with a water pump system designed for NZ farm situations. This is great !! Right ?? This is definitely a wonderful way to spend your money - by sharing your creativity : )
Kevin Smith is a very cool example that many creative business people can follow. We all have something we can give to the world ; ) Just think about what you're going to offer humanity in the very near future... freely : )
For me??
I'd (personally) rather create Awakening than accrue more and more money (through working more hours for an employer), that simply enables me go out and buy more 'things'. Money to me is the 'slave trap'. I prefer knowledge and sharing that knowledge, so a lot more people can jump onto this page of 'reality' - see yesterday's post about the hologram.
I'm not about "the money". I'm personally all about "the knowledge" ...Words ...Sharing information. That's what i'm about. We all have our different callings : )
What's yours?
What do your natural likes and dislikes tell you about your Star Family connections?
I'm not sure if these feelings I have are an "Arcturian thing" or not. I've never had much of an impetus towards accruing material 'stuff'. But then i've walked with Arcturians probably right from the start... before birth. I remember a few things from before birth!
- Like the twin I was conceived with (at the same time) who I never knew about until I was 34 years of age. He withdrew from my mother when she miscarried him...
- Like "watching myself" sitting in a baby buggy on a beach near Dargaville, Northland NZ. I would have been around 6-8 months old at the time. And here I am now, left with a memory of looking at my baby self, looking out at the sea while the rest of my family were digging up toheroa (shellfish) out in the shallow waves at low tide...
- And like remembering parts of my last life, spent on a farm in northern Netherlands, very near both the Danish and German borders. I spontaneously translated Danish one day when I was around age 38! I'd never learned Danish before, just a bit of French in high school - French is very different to Danish. I gave myself a hell of a fright! : ) But there we are... It's a strange old world.
Opening of your third eye...
Perhaps I had these memories and experiences because I had a very troubled childhood (??) Perhaps there was some kind of 'disconnect' that happened because of early child-hood sexual abuse (pre-3 years old). Although I was terrified all the time well into my fourties (PTSD) I never felt entirely alone as a child. I certainly had those feelings of being alone in my 30s though, when I was sorting out a lot of family-based crazy-making. I think as a child, I was pretty spiritually aware. I spent a lot of time on my own as a child, as the next sibling up from me was 7.5 years older. I found all kinds of ways of entertaining myself... mainly in nature and with animals, since I grew up on a farm. Despite growing up in a very angry, violent household, I think the closeness to nature really helped regarding spiritual development.
Awakening: "I am an eternal being!"
I was around 6 years old when I awakened to the fact that I am an eternal being. So are you : ) We all are. I've heard of other people too who've had this particular awakening as a very young child. For me, I just knew it as a Truth one day, when I looked into my eyes in the mirror of the junior toilet block at our school... and "there she was", looking back at "me". My eternal being was looking back at me through my eyes! Try it! You look into your eyes earnestly, in a mirror. You just might see him or her there as well! There you are! Please on this one thing, you can take my word for it ; ) And then I ran outside again a few seconds later and started playing with my friends again. That was at the age of six. Kinda cute... But that was my "Awakening". I knew then who I was - Eternal being : ) And I had no idea how important that discovery was until many decades later. I've had a few more "awakenings" since then, of course... awakening to different levels and layers as life gave me the opportunity to "see".
The "money" issue. Use your intuition! Don't feel compelled to "follow".
... So getting back to the "money" video: I certainly don't believe everything said in this video, even though the message is supposedly coming directly from The Arcturian Group. Never feel as though you have to treat anyone's message as 'gospel' - not even mine. Please see the post I put up yesterday around intuition. What's great for me, might not hit you in the heart at all... There is neither 'right' nor 'wrong'. It's just that we need different things right now, and we're responding in different ways to different things... and that's perfect! So please, don't ever fear not being a "follower". We have come here to beat our own path... to find our own way. Go within. Listen to the still small voice inside. Find your truth. If it's a voice that brings you peace and stillness, that's the right one to listen out for : )
So while the whole message on Marilyn's video is not for me personally, i'll take from it what I feel led to take. You might like to do the same : )
I've added transcription below the video for people who don't have English as a listening language.
Click on "Translate" at the top of this blog and select from around 100 reading languages.
A little background
I had an experience on an Arcturian Lightship in November 2012. If you've ever had an experience like this, it's possible you were shown lots of things too. I was shown lots of things simultanously in a very short space of 'time' - not only how Arcturians appear to human (3-D) eyes, but how the society operates, the culture, what motivates them - their purpose, what they do with their 'time' (there is no 'time' as we know it in the quantum field), their transportation systems, communication, relationships, manifesting children, family life, 'governance' systems, and so on.
So what I say below in "My relections about money..." comes through the filter of what I immediately "knew" and came to know about the society, from when I was on board the Arcturian Light ship, and in 'discussions' with them over the next couple of years.
For the sake of brevity - In a sentence: Arcturians don't use money. There is no need for it...
I'll explain why Arcturians don't need money in the following paragraphs. Sorry this is all getting quite long again. The reason for lengthy replies is that people generally won't be able to understand a concept until they see what lies behind it. Therefore, it's no good trying to explain why Arcturians don't need money until we've had a discussion about what money is, duality, plasma, and "The Field" : )
The Arcturians are scientists and philosophers, first and foremost
If you haven't guessed by now, Arcurians are scientists... Speciality: The Quantum Field. Because of this knowledge, they are also great healers of the human physical organism. Many 'natural' energy healers such as myself, call on "angelic beings" to help them perform the healing - which is essentially a 'scientific' (metaphysic) energy observation and manipulation through the third eye pineal, and by using hand movements, breath and sound to manipulate the unseen underlying atomic structure of the organism. Because there is no time or space (they're both aspects of the illusion), doing these healings across time and space is also very effective. I've done a number of distance healings with "miraculous" effect. This phenomena is not imaginary. It is very real. And the people who got up and walked with no pain straight after or very soon after the session was done for them, are a testimony to this reality. Please also contact me if you'd like me to do a distance healing for you. So, very often, i'd say the beings who healers are calling on are the 7-9D Arcturians - that's who will often be turning up.
Angelic beings
These 'Arcs' (my pet nickname) are the big shiny - radiantly shiny beings, who i'm sure are the beings the bible often refers to as "angels". Arcturians are definitely helpers of "God", or as I prefer it, that which is "Consciousness" - The One.
What is the "Resonance Unity Field" of Consciousness?
The Field (electrical plasma field) was created by The One, and is how The One (Consciousness) which is infinite and unfathomable, moves around the world of 'form' - which includes 'thought form' (ref: Tolle).
The Field is a bridge between the world of 'materiality' (of which 7-9D is), and the world of pure spirit. Pure spirit does not require any manifestation (materiality) whatsoever. The One is pure spirit. Pure spirit is what we all are at our most fundamental level. We are all material manifestations of 'life' (on every dimension), at our very finest level. When we (meaning all material manifestations of 'life' on every dimension) choose to see what we actually are (this is up to each sentient 'individual' being, light being and every intelligent entity that has 'life'), we will join and be combined in Consciousness again as particles, within and of The One. That is who we are.
You must experience it... not just visualize it or talk about it
... But it's no good actually, to try to explain and conceptualize this as a mental construct. You have to 'feel' it and 'know' it, sit with it and experience what it is, to really understand it. Hence the recommendation of spiritual teachers in the 'past' and 'now' (there is no 'time' in the quantum field), to practice meditation, yoga and 'mindfulness' in daily life. This "joining" (unity - yoga means 'unity') is the 'nirvana' that gurus (all devotees of such practices), seek to attain. It's actually very scientific. But of course, modern science has only been able to explain the phenomena very recently. So up until now, people just did their 'religious' practices and experienced outcomes that we are now able to explain through our 'new' scientific terms - including 'miracles'.
"Plasma field" - Thought is plasmatic in nature. ie: Thought is electrical.
It operates in the quantum field - wave forms and particles.
What is money?
"Money" is simply an accounting system. On earth currently, money accounts for someone's supposed "effort" they have given to society. Those who put in more effort for their society therefore will have more Money... right? Would this not be the equanimous equitable way of thinking about "effort"? Theoretically, it should be... But this is not what we find in Earth society : (
eg: The mother at home raising her child, does not receive 'money'; the child who walks five miles in Africa to bring water to her family, does not receive 'money'; the retired gentleman in Argentina who voluntarily helps to repair his neighbour's garden shed, does not receive 'money'; neither does the YouTube video-maker nor the blog-writer (such as myself), nor the 'armchair activist' on Facebook - None of these receives 'money'.
Who receives the money?
People who are investing effort into the monetary system, receive the money.
So here in practice, we find that people on Earth are actually invested into two systems of "contribution". One set of "contributions" or "efforts" to society feeds the monetary system and "rewards" those people who participate in that system with money (ie: money is its own reward), whereas other "contributions" do not feed the monetary system and therefore, there are no monetary rewards for the people who contribute in that way.
Who is actually "contributing"?
Is there any less "contribution" between these two? Is there any less "effort" exerted by the mother, by the girl, by the retired gentleman, by the writers, videographers and people active on Facebook who are contributing to a global awakening of what is real and what is not? (we are in the age of dis-spelling the illusions). No. Of course not. The difference is that one set of contributions serves the money system itself, and the other set of contributions serves other people - excusively. The beneficiaries of that "effort" or "contribution" to others for no trade-off of money, are the children of the mother (and by implication, her husband), the African family of the girl, the Argentinian neighbour, the people of the world who are under-educated and under-informed about the world's affairs and who may need some kind of a challenge if they are sitting doing nothing all day except being in "service to self".
So we find we actually live under two systems of accounting for our "contribution"
(1) One is the system of Money
(2) The other is the system of Love and Compassion
Two accounting systems
Therefore, humans (yes, we ourselves), have divided our "system" of accounting for "effort" into a duality - this is a very typical behavior for humans:
(1) that which earns money and is therefore admirable
(2) that which earns no money and is considered unworthy.
Worse still, if you're contributing your efforts to other people for no monetary reimbursement, it's said that you've made no "contribution" to society at all !! These are the lies of the puppet masters and which are perpetuated by the people themselves : ( People need to stop thinking these thoughts. This is the propaganda of the puppet masters designed so we keep each other under control.
In the Arcturian world, dualities are very strange things indeed. Earth people love playing with dualities because at heart, we're generally quite competitive. So we love comparing 'black-white', 'right-wrong', 'plenty-lack', 'intelligence-stupidity', 'muscle-fat', 'sunny-cloudy', 'polite-brash', and on and on... The dualistic comparisons humans make are never-ending... endless... All of this is Mind playing in the 3-D. I reference Eckhart Tolle when I say this. Here is Tolle:
What is the greatest obstacle to experiencing this reality?
"Identification with your mind, which causes thought to become compulsive. Not to be able to stop thinking is a dreadful affliction, but we don't realize this because almost everybody is suffering from it, so it is considered normal. This incessant mental noise prevents you from finding that realm of inner stillness that is inseparable from Being. It also creates a false mind-made self that casts a shadow of fear and suffering. We will look at all that in more detail later." - Eckhart Tolle
"The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly.
"Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive. To put it more accurately, it is not so much that you use your mind wrongly – you usually don’t use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease. You believe that you are your mind. This is the delusion. The instrument has taken you over." – Eckhart Tolle
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle (chapter excerpts)
Living in "The Field"
The Arcturian society (all 'people', or better stated: All 7-9D energetic emanations exhibiting intelligence whose origins are the Bootes constellation), are very attune to vibrations within the quantum field. This is where the Arcturians live... within The Field. So when Christians say, "In Him I live and I move and I have my being..." when they refer to God, this is a good comparison of what it's like to be a 7-9D Arcturian being living within The Field. ie: Arcturians only have 'existence', as Lord Gautama Buddha puts it, because they (the Arcturians) choose to align their vibrational 'physicality' to The Field.
What is "The Field"?
In the simplest of terms: It's a plasma field of electric energy. I personally don't know the science of The Field as i've never studied physics - but i'm just passing on to you what I get told by the Arcturian intelligences. I generally Google such terms when I "hear" them to make sure i'm not just writing 'gobbeldly-gook'. Generally what I "hear" makes perfect sense when I look up these terms.
To continue: If an Arcturian drops out of alignment with the vibration of The Field, he or she (yes, there are 'genders', but in a somewhat different way to what humans know about), then their 'chi' energy would diminish to such an extent that their life-force would 'expire'. This is an impossibility actually, once a being elevates to the 7D and beyond, but is stated here as a 'dualism' for the sake of illustration.
Metals vs. Energy
Hopefully you will see now how "effort" or "contribution" by an individual for the good of society as a whole is not measured in metals by the Arcturians... but purely in Energy. In fact, the contrubution is never "measured" nor accounted for, as it is in Earth society. What on earth would the purpose be of "keeping a record" unless it were to force some idea of dualism (right and wrong).
Please note the big 'E' denoting "Energy". This is the Energy that gets carried on The Field in waves and has within it life-enhancing properties that gets distributed ed all over the Universe. The Energy of "effort" or "contribution" keeps expanding all over the Universe, ultimately becoming manifest "awakening" for all of creation, of which we are a part.
Free will vs. Control
The end result or functioning ideology of the Arcturian society is not 'communism' or 'collectivism' by the way, because free-will choice most certainly, is a Prime impetus in this high-vibrational society. So there is no external pressure or force on anyone (light being) by anyone (light being) to do anything! None at all!
Arcturian youth: Social and Science education and "Play"
If a young Arcturian wants to 'play games' all day, for the 200+ years of their youth, that is entirely permitted, but you will probably find the 'games' they play will be about shifting of matter and energies, and manifesting matter and energies through thought. These "games" would include 'mind-reading', telekinesis, psychometry, honing telepathic communications skills, teleportation, levitation, viewing the past and the future, philosophical exchange, and so on...
Creating Non-Balance in "The Field"
Some adventurous young Arcturians might find out what happens when they intrude on the thought of another as they develop - especially intrusions on the thoughts of elder beings whose work is very close to Creator. This is a very big no-no and undoubtedly, the parents will have already had the discussion with their youngster about these consequences. A likely outcome of such an intrusion is to get a blast of energy right back at them that will likely send the youngster to their bed for a few hours or even days!
Re-creating Balance in "The Field"
Please note: Such a 'blast' is not being "directed" as such to the youngster, by the elder. The intrusion will initially be felt by the elder as a 'distraction'. If the distraction is found by the elder to be unimportant in that moment, the distraction would be 'frowned' upon. The young Arcturian needs to learn that there actually are boundaries within Arcturian society which are in alignment with The Field. Therefore, to incarnate into the manifest (material realm) as a young Arcturian 7-9D, provides the eternal soul-being the possibility of learning very directly, about "The Field". The energy (vibration) that returns to the young Arcturian is a direct consequence of them creating "intruding thoughts" when they have in fact been asked to not do that. Do you know the phrase: "To every action is an equal and opposite reaction"? This is what happens in a case like this. Some people call this "karma" - and this is close as a definition, although may not be entirely accurate as a thought form in some people's minds... The cause-effect response is entirely dispassionate. ie: the returned 'reaction' is just science. It is simply the non-emotive response of The Field to the youngster's intrusion.
The maintenance of Balance within "The Field"
The Field itself therefore, creates alignment of individuals to itself. Please do not be tempted to anthropomorphize or personify The Field. It is pure Energy. It does not have emotions. That incidentally is one of the main problems with the word "God". Anthropomorphism of the term "God" brings "Consciousness" (infinite, indefinable) down to the level of a human Earth-dwelling man. This is completely incorrect. The creation of Balance within "The Field" is a universal law and a principle that we actually see manifesting all the time on our Earth plane. That's why darkness (lies) is always brought into the light (truth) ... That's why wrong-doing can never get away from a bad conscience. That's why good-doing is coupled with a feeling of expansion in the chest cavity. We all are (all manifested life forms on all dimensional planes), are living within certain 'universal laws' right now without us noticing. Because these laws are all part of our macro-system, we hardly ever take notice of them.
External means of "control"
In Arcturian society, this is why there's no need for duality - no scolding, no angry thoughts, no thoughts of 'right' or 'wrong'... because The Field will constantly direct the young (emerging) Arcturian energy 'emanations' to where they are 'meant' to be and to what they are meant to be focusing on and learning.
Harmony in The Field is a heard sound
The impetus is always towards creation of 'balance' within The Field. Any disharmony (yes, there is often disharmony in the universe) comes back into harmony (this is a physically audibly heard sound in the cosmos), after manipulations in The Field are carried out by Arcturian 'developed' light beings and light beings of other races : ) Even a 'blast' from The Field when you have intruded your thought to an elder when they are busy (including your parents) has its own lesson. Therefore: This is all learning that will give you a solid foundation for your later life as an 'adult'. Note: I'm talking again in terms of duality to help people understand - so "adult" (which implies 'bigger' compared to 'smaller') is more rightly named a 'developed' one. However: 'developed' still is a duality because it compares with 'undeveloped'. All energies (beings, emanations) are actually One. They are all allowed to Be with no identifying labels. To identify and label that is Mind play. And to do that is to root yourself once again in 3D. This is one of the tricks of the Puppet Masters that keeps us stuck in The Illusion.
Arcturian Eduction
As a 'younger one' (all energies are admired and loved), you're learning skills by playing in The Field. That "play" has a context within a set of social mores of that society. It's a very 'balanced' society - in energy, in thought, and in 'product' (in the energy and material substance that is created out of The Field). This education may sound very tedious to Earth people, but it's not at all boring and there are no strifes or divisions between yourself and others when you 'grow up' - only inquiry and curiosity. The energies of 'inquiry' and 'curiosity' are the closest 'feelings' I can describe that 7-9D Arcturians have, compared to our commonplace experience and humans growing up, being: 'strife' or 'tension'.
Why is there so much "tension" and "strife" in human society?
There is no need for 'challenge' or 'argument' as a young Arcturian matures, nor is there any need to usurp anybody else's energies. That's what humans are doing when we 'challenge' and 'argue'. This is what creates the feeling of 'strife' and 'tension' in us. It's when some-body is trying to steal our energy (the truth of our experience, "I Am") away from us. Humans go into panic because in our collective unconscious memory, it means extinction! It appears that humans can die (on more that one level I would say), when the power exerted over them to not be living in the "I Am" of their own authentic experience, is taken away from them by another - eg: by being told they are wrong, or stupid, or just a dreamer... etc, etc...
Humans die when they are not permitted to live fully in their "I Am" authentic experience
The usurpation of that "I Am" authentic experience by somebody else gives us humans feelings of death at our most fundamental soul (eternal being) level : ( This is what the Arcturians are telling me right now. This is not something i've ever though about before.
Therefore: there is no need for the 'swapping' (usurpation) of energies like this in Arcturian society (challenging, arguing, berating of somebody else), because one simply 'mainlines' directly into The Field and one is 'enhanced' or 'built up' again directly, from tapping into The Resonant Unity Field. Humans have the ability to do this right now. Some people might call this "tapping into God". Essentially, it's the same thing, so long as you're not mentally trying to define 'God' as anything that resembles a human being.
What can you do when you feel really bad... ?? : (
So when you're feeling low or miserable or unloved, you don't need to suck off anybody else. Please just mainline into Consciousness (Creator) and find there in The Field, exactly what you need to help you feel better. And of course, ask other people for help too... but learn to not suck off other people for pity and don't be desperate with them. This is another inauthentic way you are sucking off people. Just tell them what's going on, and allow them to respond - with your hand open to whatever they are willing to offer you, or not offer to help you. It's completely their choice.
All of this brings us onto the current discussion which is about money. At last we are here. It took a while, but I think you'll be able to read the following now from the context of the macrosystem you see above - about the Arcturian point of view. Please feel free to ask any questions in Comments below, and please feel free to add your own thoughts and experiences around this topic in Comments too. Thanks, Bron.
Here are my reflections.
This is a commentary about the video you can find in the link below and here:
I struggle with the concept of "money". Do you too?
What Marilyn shares in her video about money, gratitude and abundance struck quite a few chords in me. I think i'll still continue to stuggle with the concepts she presents, simply because I don't think we should have money at all. But i'd like to try some of these ideas out that she presents. I very strongly feel that money is the means by which the puppet masters have kept humanity enslaved. So I intentionally avoid money :P I'm actually surprised i'm putting this video up on this blog.
What I like about it is this:
The Arcturian Group (through Marilyn) suggests some very practical things we can apply right now, that I think will shift stuck energy around 'money'. We (sadly) still do live in a world of money, so i'm happy to entertain these ideas and do some of these exercises, knowing that this is just a 'transitory measure' until humanity's emotional need for money falls away completely. I'm sure willing to give this advice a go.
To explain...
I just don't give money energy and haven't been for the last five years or so - especially for the last 3 years. I generally don't look at bank balances, I have my basic regular bills on Automatic Payment, and every week I just make sure I spend less than I know what's coming in. That way, I know i'm not getting myself into strife. And I only have NZ$100 a week to live on after rent and power APs come out, so i'm not rich. Then i've still got food, petrol, repairs, phone, internet connection, clothing, birthday presents, etc, etc, to pay for. So I don't have much, and I ofen go without 'things'. But...
I'd rather live this way (personally) so I don't have to keep looking at my account balances. That used to wind me up completely. I'm so glad I don't live on that hampster wheel any longer. I might check my balances just once a month now - sometimes only once every two months! That's how much I don't like the energy of 'money'. I feel much happier living this way. I feel under much less stress than I used to, even though there's much less money. It's strange how that works! For me... Money = Stress. Previously... More money = More stress.
Does it work like this for anyone else out there as well?
Please leave your comment below (any language).
'Things' (possessions) just don't interest me. Is this simply because i'm older and the allure of the pretty, shiny, glittery things just doesn't do it for me anymore? These things did used to 'call' me when I was younger. I'm in my 50s now. I certainly do have some 'things' - a nice comfy lounge suite, a fridge/freezer, a comfortable bed, a piano, a car (fully paid for), stacks of books, a TV and DVD player and my PC. That's all I need. This is in no way a judgment on anyone else who likes lots of 'things' and who keeps wanting more and more things, like my son who's in his 30s. He gets new stuff every week! I'm just not wired that way anymore...
I prefer 'thoughts' to 'things'.
I'd be pretty gutted if I lost my mind/intellect/mens sana, for example. That would suck a lot !! So I guess it's a case again of, "You get what you give your attention to". Have you heard the saying, "Energy flows where attention goes"? So maybe this is true? I give lots of attention to knowledge, my internal processes - spiritual growth and the like, and watching the unfolding downfall of the globalist agenda.
I'm definitely not into money "for my own benefit".
That feels like a very 'small' way to live. If my little brother or sister in Africa still has to walk five miles to collect their family's drinking water today, I would far rather expend my energy on co-creating a global awakening to what the globalist agenda is... That's so we can collectively learn to recognize what the agenda is and how we can tear it down - simply by not giving it energy any longer. I have around 500 people a day from all over the world coming to look at posts on my main blog (not this one). Most of them are from France currently. Most of the time, the main interest comes from the USA. Sometimes my biggest audience is from Russia. It's interesting watching the ebb and flow of interest from different countries and what posts have grabbed their attention. It gives me a "bird's eye" view of where and why the global energies are shifting : )
My blog is called Co-creating Our New Earth and it is creating awaking.
It's on that 'mission' (of writing) that I expend most of my time and energy : ) That's fine for me... I hope you've found your outlet, or at least now, I hope you are thinking about how you can help to create Awakening in some way as well. eg: through your existing business; directly - talking to friends, family and neighbours; through a co-operative venture you want to start up with other people; writing music, a play, or creating a piece of art; through writing letters to politicians and 'Letters to the editor' of your local newspaper... There's lots of ways we can help keep the impetus going of this global awakening to the Truth : )
Truth #1) We are eternal beings - we never die. "Death" is part of the illusion, the hologram. Death only happens because enough people believe it will.
Truth #2) We belong to the land we were born on... the LAND that is, not the "government" trying to control that land. Mother Earth nurtures and loves us for all the length of our days, as we climb the mounds of her back. Our inheritance is to live freely on the land, for no charge.
Truth #3) Money is the means by which we are kept in slavery. As soon as humanity lets go its need for money, we will all be free !! Think about it...
What will that day look like? : )
What's one of the primary ways we can tear down the globalist agenda?
Simply: to not apply for any more debt... No more loans from banking institutions. Refuse to be a debt slave! This is the biggest thing we can all do to tear down this corrupt global banking system. People who are making the personal sacrifice to downsize, get mortgage free and live in a tiny house, are definitely on the right track! I actually don't like the tiny house concept at all... (I live in a big sprawling 1920s bungalow). I think the tiny house propaganda is all part of the 'Agenda 21' conditioning programe. But I do think those people are helping break down the globalist banking agenda immeasurably, because most of them are refusing loans, or just getting a very small one. Thank them, next time you see a tiny house dweller, or an RV dweller. They are doing great good for humanity simply by their withdrawl from the banking loan system : )
What if i'm a really wealthy person right now with no loans or credit card debt?
If you do find you have money (no problem), you have the choice to use it for altruistic purposes, like this New Zealand man from Ngaruawahia, which is only around 15 miles away from where I live. He is changing the water situation for thousands of people in Africa right now !! He's doing that with a water pump system designed for NZ farm situations. This is great !! Right ?? This is definitely a wonderful way to spend your money - by sharing your creativity : )
Kevin Smith is a very cool example that many creative business people can follow. We all have something we can give to the world ; ) Just think about what you're going to offer humanity in the very near future... freely : )
Kiwi brings clean water to remote Africa
For me??
I'd (personally) rather create Awakening than accrue more and more money (through working more hours for an employer), that simply enables me go out and buy more 'things'. Money to me is the 'slave trap'. I prefer knowledge and sharing that knowledge, so a lot more people can jump onto this page of 'reality' - see yesterday's post about the hologram.
I'm not about "the money". I'm personally all about "the knowledge" ...Words ...Sharing information. That's what i'm about. We all have our different callings : )
What's yours?
Please feel free to share your 'calling' in Comments, as your
declaration to us and your declation to the Universe : )
What do your natural likes and dislikes tell you about your Star Family connections?
I'm not sure if these feelings I have are an "Arcturian thing" or not. I've never had much of an impetus towards accruing material 'stuff'. But then i've walked with Arcturians probably right from the start... before birth. I remember a few things from before birth!
- Like the twin I was conceived with (at the same time) who I never knew about until I was 34 years of age. He withdrew from my mother when she miscarried him...
- Like "watching myself" sitting in a baby buggy on a beach near Dargaville, Northland NZ. I would have been around 6-8 months old at the time. And here I am now, left with a memory of looking at my baby self, looking out at the sea while the rest of my family were digging up toheroa (shellfish) out in the shallow waves at low tide...
- And like remembering parts of my last life, spent on a farm in northern Netherlands, very near both the Danish and German borders. I spontaneously translated Danish one day when I was around age 38! I'd never learned Danish before, just a bit of French in high school - French is very different to Danish. I gave myself a hell of a fright! : ) But there we are... It's a strange old world.
Opening of your third eye...
Perhaps I had these memories and experiences because I had a very troubled childhood (??) Perhaps there was some kind of 'disconnect' that happened because of early child-hood sexual abuse (pre-3 years old). Although I was terrified all the time well into my fourties (PTSD) I never felt entirely alone as a child. I certainly had those feelings of being alone in my 30s though, when I was sorting out a lot of family-based crazy-making. I think as a child, I was pretty spiritually aware. I spent a lot of time on my own as a child, as the next sibling up from me was 7.5 years older. I found all kinds of ways of entertaining myself... mainly in nature and with animals, since I grew up on a farm. Despite growing up in a very angry, violent household, I think the closeness to nature really helped regarding spiritual development.
Awakening: "I am an eternal being!"
I was around 6 years old when I awakened to the fact that I am an eternal being. So are you : ) We all are. I've heard of other people too who've had this particular awakening as a very young child. For me, I just knew it as a Truth one day, when I looked into my eyes in the mirror of the junior toilet block at our school... and "there she was", looking back at "me". My eternal being was looking back at me through my eyes! Try it! You look into your eyes earnestly, in a mirror. You just might see him or her there as well! There you are! Please on this one thing, you can take my word for it ; ) And then I ran outside again a few seconds later and started playing with my friends again. That was at the age of six. Kinda cute... But that was my "Awakening". I knew then who I was - Eternal being : ) And I had no idea how important that discovery was until many decades later. I've had a few more "awakenings" since then, of course... awakening to different levels and layers as life gave me the opportunity to "see".
The "money" issue. Use your intuition! Don't feel compelled to "follow".
... So getting back to the "money" video: I certainly don't believe everything said in this video, even though the message is supposedly coming directly from The Arcturian Group. Never feel as though you have to treat anyone's message as 'gospel' - not even mine. Please see the post I put up yesterday around intuition. What's great for me, might not hit you in the heart at all... There is neither 'right' nor 'wrong'. It's just that we need different things right now, and we're responding in different ways to different things... and that's perfect! So please, don't ever fear not being a "follower". We have come here to beat our own path... to find our own way. Go within. Listen to the still small voice inside. Find your truth. If it's a voice that brings you peace and stillness, that's the right one to listen out for : )
So while the whole message on Marilyn's video is not for me personally, i'll take from it what I feel led to take. You might like to do the same : )
I've added transcription below the video for people who don't have English as a listening language.
Click on "Translate" at the top of this blog and select from around 100 reading languages.
A beautiful Vision for those Who Live still in The Illusion... Liati
ReplyDeleteThanks Liati. It's good to meet you. We will need all kinds of 'transition steps' before humanity realizes we don't need 'money'. We are motivated by our feelings of Love and Compassion extended towards others. That urge makes you want to do your bit for your fellow human, for animals and the environment. The crass tinkle of cold metal has no comparison to the warm glow arising up in your heart-space from helping others have a better life :)
ReplyDelete#UbuntuContributionism #MichaelTellinger